What are fractals?

Digital art and Fractals are created using modern tools and computer applications now available to artists. Think about it this way, initially photography was not considered an art form until photographers like Ansel Adams showed its potential as an artistic medium.

Computers are simply another tool to express creativity and give wings to imagination.

So what are fractals?

They are mathematical formulas repeated hundreds of thousands of times to form a unique pattern which never repeats itself the same way twice even though the formulas stay the same. In other words, they are a visual representation of the theory of chaos.

I like to think of them like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike. Much like watercolors, I don’t have total control over the medium, instead I have to to work in partnership with it. I never know exactly where it will take me, but as l long as I work with it’s nature, I know I’ll arrive at a wondrous place.